Dwell Design Studio Dwell Design Studio

The Tristan

Pensacola, FL

Welcome back to “The Bachelor”! During our commercial break, our bachelor decided who to give the final rose to and start a new life for himself. Will it be Cheryl, the witty doctor from Philadelphia; Angie, the adventurous rancher from Scottsdale; or Patricia, the savvy lawyer from Kansas City?

"Well Jesse, I’m giving my final rose to… Dwell Design Studio’s Tristan project in Pensacola, Florida! The Tristan is my pick for top design, raising the bar for multi-family aesthetics in this beautiful city. The leasing and amenities are cutting edge and attracting so many people to this community, so I won’t have a problem meeting a new partner there!"

Photography by Sun Dog Imagery


3 Levels | 242 Units
Client: Halstead